RBI is know as Central bank of India | All other banks working in India are know as commercial bank for e.g.
SBI ( State bank of India )
Icici bank
HDFC bank
And many more
RBI has monopoly of note issuing that is why this is know as Central bank of India .
Difference between central bank and commercial bank is a concept of macroeconomics of class 12th of CBSE BOARD and other state boards
NO one can able to open their account in Central bank of India ( RBI )
For primary function of commercial bank :
Barter system :
Indian contract Act :
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Your Queries :
What is Commercial bank and Central bank
Difference between commercial bank and central bank
Central bank of India
Central bank India
What is RBI
Central bank of India in Hindi
Difference between central bank and Commercial bank
RBI kya hota hai
Central bank of India kya hai
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