THIS is Star Wars Battlefront (2015) in 2019...
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Today, we'll be taking a journey through the past 2 YEARS of Star Wars Battlefront 2. It’s incredible to think when you compare the Battlefront 2 that first released in November of 2017 to the jaw-dropping Star Wars gaming experience we have today in 2019. We’ll cover the ups, the downs, and everything in between in regards to Star Wars Battlefront 2 - from Geonosis, to Felucia, to Anakin Skywalker, to Count Dooku, to Obi-Wan Kenobi, to General Grievous to - DEEP BREATH - to the Clone Commandos to the Commando Droids to -----
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Anakin Skywalker and Clone Capture in thumbnail from Lev Orlov:
I could think of no better way to showcase the incredible moments had while playing Battlefront 2 then featuring the Maul clip that opened this video. Find the original post from u/igotanorangeinmyPC here:
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Pre-Nerf Anakin Skywalker Heroic Might -
Star Wars Battlefront II: Official Gameplay Trailer -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Full Length Reveal Trailer -
Star Wars Battlefront II: Battle of Geonosis Trailer -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Launch Trailer -
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Clone Wars DLC Announcement E3 2018 HD -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Capital Supremacy Community Update -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Count Dooku Community Update -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Anakin Skywalker Community Update -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Geonosis Community Update -
Star Wars Battlefront 2: General Grievous Community Update -
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - More Sources including captures used in video:
The channel posts daily Star Wars and Star Wars Battlefront 2 content and is family friendly
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