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Brian and JMac joined me at Permas Jaya after I arrived the day before on a long flight for a 24 hour stop in Malaysia.
Important things to note:
1. Brian took a lesson since his last video where he was hitting the ball like shit. He now hits the ball like a beast. GET A LESSON if you are not improving from between 100 and 120. There is no better investment in yourself than a lesson to slash 10-20 strokes.
2. JMac has introduced the driver to his bag slowly but surely. This will drop him to single figures once he gets it under control.
3. BUT regardless of whether he gets it under control, he will NEED TO LEARN TO MISS IN THE RIGHT PLACES AND SELECT BETTER AIMING TARGETS!!! There are also a few ego shots that slip into the game which spoil the score from being 8-10 over par where it could easily be 4 or 5 over for 9 holes.
4. The differences between 25 and 17 handicapper are so small. It's just a poor decision here and a bad chunked or thinned shot there. You can easily take 8 shots off your score by maintaining composure and MAKING BETTER SHOT SELECTIONS.
THERE ARE NO HERO SHOTS IN HIGH HANDICAP GOLF, ONLY STUPID SHOTS. I hate to break that to you but this is pure blinding truth.
5. Short game short game short game short game ad nauseam.
6. Get off the tee better, once you can play around the greens, you need to skip the iron game and just go work on the tee ball. Use your comfy clubs to start and the slowly improve the longer hitting ones, like a driver or fairway wood. Then bring them to the course and introduce the to the wider holes with the least danger.
7. LEARN THE PUNCH SHOT. You can do this many ways. Find a way. Learn how to control the distance of the punch shot. it is merely a 30-100 yard bump and run. Anyone can do it. So go do it. If your handicap is over 20, forget the iron play, go get a punch shot done.
This is the life playas. Golf, warmth, sun, fun, boys, improvement and babes. What else do we need?
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