
10 Most Unusual Animals People Have Have As Pets

10 Most Unusual Animals People Have Have As Pets Top 10 Oddest Animals People Have Had As Pets

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Number 5. Slow Loris
Maybe the most bittersweet entry on our list, the slow loris suffers immensely at the hands of the commercial pet trade, this is evident not only anecdotally but in the massive number of fatalities suffered every year. Before we tell you why people treat these animals so poorly, let's have a look at what makes the slow loris so unique and such a sought after pet.
The slow loris moves extremely, well...slow, which means that it would typically be very susceptible to predators, but the slow loris has some unique ways of overcoming this, the fact that they do move so slowly is part of what helps to protect them, the slow loris actually moves so slowly that it makes virtually no noise and doesn’t disrupt vegetation, this means that they are almost undetectable and even if a predator spots them, they reflexively become still and cover their faces. Effectively the slow loris can convince its would be attacker that they are nothing of any value, but should that fail they have a second, far less passive line of defence.

Number 4. Serval Cat
$20,000 dollars may seem like alot to spend on a housecat, but then again the serval is no ordinary cat. This big cat is native to the African grasslands, just south of the Sahara Desert, and while a few brave souls have raised wild carnivores privately, it is typically at the expense of specialized facilities that often require a great deal of land but not a serval cat right? Well this is where many people go wrong, nowadays most places require that you have a special license to own a serval but that doesn’t mean you can’t. Not so long ago this wild cat was becoming an increasingly common pet and the more people who treated them like a domestic cat

Number 3. Kinkajou
This mammal, native to the tropical rainforests of central and southern America, is a nocturnal tree dweller who rarely finds the need to touch the ground. While these adorable creatures, who resemble a bear-monkey-hibred, can be playful, docile, and quiet pets, they also aren't morning people. Kinkajou prefer to be awake between 7 pm and midnight, and then again an hour before dawn, the rest of the time they spend sleeping, this means that if you expect your pet Kinkajou to be social during the daytime you are likely to be very disappointed, in fact, if you keep one awake during sunlight hours they are likely to become very irritable, and that's something you might want to avoid. Kinkajous may be absolutely adorable but they can also be vicious, when one is agitated they will release a wild scream and lung at their intended victim, then they violently claw at them until they are removed, what’s worse than the claws though, is their bite.

Now let’s take a moment for an honorary mention: While most people are trying to keep cockroaches out of their house, a rare few are inviting them in, but not just any cockroaches - the Madagascar hissing cockroach. Hissing cockroaches are the largest species of cockroach in the world averaging 2 to 3 inches in length, and perhaps their most unique feature is the unique hissing sound that they produce.

Number 1. Caecilian
Our final entry is something like a worm crossed with a platypus, and something you really need to see to believe, this is a caecilian, and it’s probably unlike anything you’ve seen before. It pretty much looks like a worm, but this odd little creature is actually an amphibian, it just happens to lack limbs and a tail! Caecilians can live in a range of environments from water to dry land, depending on the species, and while many resemble common earth worms, some are actually quite colorful, and they range dramatically in size too, with smaller species looking like mear insects and larger species reaching lengths of 5 feet. These unique creatures are expertly adapted to their environment, with the majority of species being burrowers they have strong jaw muscles and skulls that allow the caecilian to plow through the dirt very effectively, they also have a unique muscular and skeletal system throughout the remainder of their body which allows them to leverage their bodies like a piston, driving considerable impact behind their highly reinforced skulls.

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