
Minutová angličtina #4: How often do you go shopping?

Minutová angličtina #4: How often do you go shopping? Anglická konverzace s rodilým mluvčím #4: Jak často chodí Jay nakupovat a co většinou kupuje? 🇬🇧 Přepis rozhovoru v angličtině:

Petra: Jay, how often do you go shopping, and do you enjoy it?

Jay: Well, if it's for myself, then yes, I enjoy going shopping. If it's for somebody else, it's kind of boring. My favourite place to go is my local shopping centre near Birmingham. And I'll spend anywhere between an hour to two hours looking around the shops, but then I kind of get a little bored, to be honest. And I go shopping maybe once a month, maybe, maybe less than that. I don't know. Sometimes never. It's not my ideal thing to do.

Petra: And what are the things that you mostly buy?

Jay: The things that I buy the most are... Well, they were video games, but I stopped playing them, so now I'm really sad. I just go to Waterstones, which is a huge bookstore chain in England. I'm not sure if it's in different countries. But I go to the fifth floor in Birmingham, and there's an amazing array of language books, so I spend all my time in there just looking at different language books.

Petra: Fantastic. You love books.

Jay: I do love books. In fact, sometimes I don't even read them. I just buy them, and then find out I don't have enough time to read them. So it's a little frustrating.


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