
How Algorithms Replace Your Brain | Ordinary Things

How Algorithms Replace Your Brain | Ordinary Things What is an Algorithm? And how do they augment, dement and replace our brains? Let's find out and stuff.

How The Office Ruined Your Life:

Sources Mentioned/Used:
Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine by Hannah Fry,
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark,
The Future of Employment by Carl Benedikt Frey & Michael Osborne,
Computer-based Personality Judgments Are More Accurate than Those Made by Humans
by Wu Youyou, Michal Kosinski, and David Stillwell.

algorithms,youtube algorithm,alogrithm,what is an algorithm,what are algorithms,A.I.,AI,Artificial intelligence,ordinary things,ordinary guy,

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