
Sifu Dom Békés Wing Chun Techniques and Strategy Seminar 'William Cheung Wing Chun'

Sifu Dom Békés Wing Chun Techniques and Strategy Seminar 'William Cheung Wing Chun' This video is Part One of Two of a Traditional Wing Chun Seminar hosted by Sifu Dom Békés on the Traditional Wing Chun Techniques and Chi Sao (Sticking Hands). This video deals with the Wing Chun Techniques and Strategy, that should be viewed alongside the Chi Sao video from the same event. The same principles from the Traditional Wing Chun are used in the techniques of Wing Chun and in the practise of Chi Sao. The contact reflexes garnered from the Chi Sao practise are instrumental in fusing the Traditional Wing Chun strategy and techniques allowing them to be applied in enough time for the practitioner to apply the necessary angle and control that give the Traditional Wing Chun techniques their unique advantage. Watch the elbow, watch one point, control the elbow control one point and fight on the blind side!

I hope you enjoy the video! Sifu Dom Békés

Facebook: @DomBekesWingChun

William Cheung,Bruce Lee,Wing Chun,Chi Sao,Sticking Hands,Kung Fu,Gung Fu,Martial Arts,Wing Chun News,

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