A genius madly obsessed with knowledge and ancient artefacts. Almost no fighting or magic skills. Trying to use language skills, a brilliant intellect and maybe even vampirism to beat the game.
Max difficulty, no exploits, no unnecessary reloading, no powergaming and staying within character. A genius madly obsessed with knowledge and ancient artefacts. Just another pure adventure.
We'll see what happens.
Enjoy and thanks for watching!
KoW - D.R.E.A.M.
Warm Ashes: Dangerous Dungeon Exteriors
Enhanced Sky
Distant Terrain
Sound Clips
Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1
Handpainted Models
Villager immersion Overhaul
Birds of Daggerfall
Hills and mountains
Postprocessing effects
Improved interior lights
Tedious travel
Persistent dungeons
Daggerfall Unity homepage:
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