You are a kind, caring and nurturing woman who is dating a sweet and amazing man who happens to be a little “hard on his luck.” He has AMAZING ideas and/or Tremendous TALENT, however, the pieces just never seem to fall into place for him. You’ve already begun to open your wallet for him as an investment in the family you two have or hope to have… however, in the back of your mind….a little voice… makes you wonder “Am I gambling on a good horse?” Will all of this work out? Will my investment today, lead to wealth tomorrow?” “When he finally gets on, will he appreciate me, and bring me to the top? Or up and leave me?”
This course was created to assist women with knowing which men have what it takes to make it, and which are wasting your time.
I am Tonya Tko, I am from the “ghetto” of the Bronx. Growing up I saw many people get stuck in “the hood” and I knew I did not want to be one of them. I started my first business when I was 13, and I’ve never had a full-time job. I create my own income through entrepreneurial endeavors. The largest business I’ve owned was TkoSkin – an organic all-natural handmade skincare company. I started the business by selling one jar of shea butter to 150 people, and using that seed money to amass hundreds of thousands of dollars over 5 years.
My passion has always been assisting people with self-love and I closed TkoSkin and travelled the world trying to write my book & start a show, but a year later, ended up living in my car in Hollywood California.
I rose out of that situation to publish a book (which is featured on Amazon and in luxury hotels across the US) as well as break my own money-making records.
I have always dated entrepreneurs, wealthy men and millionaires. I went to college with men who, although were young, possessed the signs of success. I’ve also been approached by very sweet, talented men who sound really good with their dollar and a dream, but at the end of the day… really only have a dollar and a dream. Despite their amazing talent and potential, they get stuck in this vicious impoverished cycle. I know the stark difference between the behaviors of men headed to the top, or down a dead-end.
I created this course to assist women in seeing the signs, habits, patterns and behaviors of men who are destined for success, or destined to be distressed.
Over the past 10 years, Tonya TKO has helped Thousands of people Fall In Love! With over 300 Thousand followers and 90 Million Video Views, this viral Vlogger & Blogger unlocks the key to Self Love helping men and women find meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Profiled by The Huffington Post and with guest appearances on "Doctor Oz" and "Bethanny," Tonya TKO is unleashing her latest love revelations to the world in her second book, the "6 Step Shift to Self Love." Published by Balboa Press, (a division of Hay House) this powerful and easy to read guide is available for Pre-sale in September with hard copies on shelves June 2019.
#TonyaTko #SelfLoveSpecialist #RelationshipExpert
TonyaTko is Media's # 1 Self Love Specialist
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