
StarProperty | You either buy property blind or with a grand vision of success - Charles Tan

StarProperty | You either buy property blind or with a grand vision of success - Charles Tan Founder and editor of, Charles Tan Chia Lih, shares his thoughts on property and where the market is moving forward based on his experience in property investment with StarProperty TV.

Charles Tan is an active blogger and property enthusiast with over 16 years in the property industry, constantly updating his space and fellow property owners and investors alike with info related to property. His views and opinions have appeared and been featured in various local publications thus far.

In Part 2 of the video, Charles highlights that people who want to buy a property must have a very clear, distinct vision. Are you buying to enrich yourself? Or to secure a form of financial growth asset? He then further discusses on the need for people to realize the importance of financial planning from a young age, and the need for a positive mindset when making property investment.

#StarProperty #StarPropertyTV #PropertyTrends

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