The packet was pretty thick too... Why sign? I could be agreeing to donate two of my limbs for all I know
I didn't ask for a public pretender. I was sleepy and groggy because I drove 5 hours from Savannah to make this appearance. But I knew at least 4 things I wasn't going to do.
#1. State my name for the record.
#3. Accept or acknowledge a plea
#4. Agree that I "understand" ANYTHING
When asked to stand up I had no intention of stating my name but I never had to because the states attorney blurted out that I had no council. The Public Defender in this video piggy backed and said, "I'll take him". I'm like okay he wants to help the courts, let me entertain this & see what he has to say.
He basically brought me back there to start setting up him & the states attorney's game plan. Him & the state wanted to scratch what they couldn't prove or slowly get me to convince myself it'll be a good idea to accept a lesser plea bargin. They do this through dragging you in over and over until your just tired of coming.
As you can see he got a little touchy and disgruntled due to the fact I refused to sign any binding judicial contract. His statement was, "Okay, let's see what the judge has to say about this"..... I'm looking like, I thought you were on my side lol. While remaining seated waiting on the judge to return I overheard him say to the states attorney, "He's out on bond".... They were plotting to lock me up if I was out on "OR Bond"... SMH.
So the judge was trying to get my interaction & find some kind of agreement with the courts when he began to notice what exactly my intent was. At that point he drew a "false scenario" insinuating (since he knew) most likely there's no court reported file of you speaking when your name was called, technically, I can place this bench warrant on you as if I already did it this morning. I shared the audio of that conversation at the top. "Sideways Threat"
I did nothing wrong and I don't wish to participate in my own demise behind them not caring much about my life. I've been railroaded and Constitutionally compromised throughout this whole case by law enforcement and even worse now the courthouse. This is a long testimony but nowhere near as long as the other facts I'm leaving out. I feel like one of the Central Park 5 or something.
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