▶ Ms. Wambui Bahati is an Inspirational and Motivational Speaker (Humorist, Entertainer, and Actor). She shares her story about how she overcame mental illness. Learn more about Ms. Wambui at
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✔ Evelyn Parham is a blogger/writer, eating psychology coach, and healthy gut advisor. She helps busy women get fit, reduce stress, and have more energy.
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☛ [Disclosure: Evelyn Parham is an Amazon Associate, and if you order via the links above, she gets a small commission.]
☛ [Disclaimer: Evelyn Parham is not a licensed health care professional, dietician, or nutritionist. The information she shares is for educational, informational, and self-empowerment purposes only. Seek licensed health care professionals before making any lifestyle changes.]
#mentalhealth #mentalillness #selfcare
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