How do you define the law of attraction? What is it really and what is it not? Its so amazing to see how much talk there is about the law of attraction and how few people actually know about what it is. The law of attraction is not a spell that you and things begin happening that way. It is not that you chant "like begets like" a thousand times a day and ses things happening the way you want. If the law of attraction is so simple as that, we would have witnessed the world as much better place by now. The most common definition you will find will be like: "If you strongly believe that something should happen, it will certainly happen." That statement couldnt be any simpler. How about in a case like this when we are thinking strongly about something and someone else is thinking about the exact opposite thing? What will happen in that case? Regardless how many various ways this law of attraction has been defined, we can actually break it down into the following four elements. Since the law of attraction is so strongly based on the thought process, we must first learn what our thought processes really are.
* smart goals/knowing exactly what we want
How do we exactly know what we want? We focus on our goals. You know after getting up, take the time to write down atleast one goal for you to accomplish that day. Nothing is too small as long as it is part of your overall plan to transform your life. You can also put into your daily journal which one is most needed and which one the least. Try to balance and filter it out untik you can come up of one thing what is it you really want.
* thought processing
Begin asking the universe to make it happen. This is the part where we do the rituals. Any kind of rituals you think that will help boost the energy in manifesting something you really want and desire. For example, writing your desire on a piece of paper as many times as you can, do the chanting on a specific mantra. Burning incense, camphor and essential oils could also help us in the manifestation. Saying our prayers or even offering something to the universe to help us make it happen.
* visualization
We must then visualize a situation wherein we already have what we are hankering for and we must live in that reality. We can search through the internet there are sites offering free training courses on how to visualize things or the projection of a concrete images of how things happen in a way you want them to happen. It is very important to actually visualize the wealth. You have to think that the wealth is already in your bank account and now what you will do with it. Begin thinking as you are planning what to do with the money. You dont have it already, but thats not the point. The law of attraction tells that you have to be strong in your belief and visualization is the best way to do that.
* live in the reality
Putting emphasis to the effort. You dont get much without channeling your thoughts into action. It is not about sitting on your bean bag watching a DVD and expecting your inner desires to manifest themselves. You have to actually let the thought out of your sytem. You have to let it come out and become action. At the same time, we must not attach ourselves to what might happen. We must only think about having it. There is no room for apprehension. You must not expect a spell to come into action bringing gold coins at your door. This wont happen. But you could align things to work your way. Think positively about winning. When you do that, things automatically begin happening in a way that's beneficial to you. You probably wont become a millionaire overnight and be happy about them. Dont go overboard. Dont over expect. Things will begin aligning your way. But be ready to accept, without grudging, whatever comes your way. Eventually it will be better than what you have if your belief is in the right alignment. If you have been following this video through so far, you will have realized two things...the law of attraction is a definite reality nearly everyone puts it to use. However a lot of people dont really put it to use the right way. The bottom line is clear-the law of attraction really works but only if you put it to use. So if you are planning on becoming rich through the law of attraction, the important thing for you is to believe and then act. Without either of them, nothing is going to fall into place. So on my next video, I am going to expose various aspects of the law of attraction and see how we can apply it in one of the most important areas of our lives--attracting money. Can one really become rich by just thinking vividly about it? We need to understand the law better and learn, how to implement it in order to get these answers.
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