
Discouraged about your Dressage?

Discouraged about your Dressage? Dressage is a REALLY HARD sport. It takes a long time to become even somewhat competent in the saddle where you are able to just balance and control your body. Then you have to figure out how to influence and effect your horse.

One of the hardest parts about Dressage is that you’re dealing with another living creature. In most other sports, you only have to worry about controlling your own body, your own movements and your own mind. In Dressage you are also dealing with a horse: a living, breathing, and thinking animal that has their own thoughts, opinions, physical ailments, and limitations.

It can be very discouraging when training Dressage to decipher the root of the issue. Are you not asking the horse in the right way? Are you blocking the horse with your aids? Is it uncomfortable (or impossible) for the horse physically? These are just a few of the questions that you have to consider…

Here are some tips to try when you’re feeling discouraged and want to give up:

Take a break and so something different: get out of the arena for a change, work on some cavaletti work, or give your horse the weekend off!

Take a lesson: Sometimes what you are feeling and what is actually happening are VERY different. Having a coach that can help you figure out strategies to solve your problem can be very helpful.

Watch some top riding: it can be very inspiring and comforting to watch the top riders in this sport. Even they have bad days and make mistakes.

Don’t forget your why! Why do we do this? Because we LOVE our horses and we LOVE the feeling of riding and the joy that they bring into our lives!!

Happy Riding!!

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