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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
"If you're not happy here, then you can leave. As far as I'm concerned, if you hate our country, if you are not happy here, you can leave. And that's what I say all the time. That's what I said in a tweet, which I guess some people think is controversial. A lot of people love it by the way. A lot of people love it."
So that was Donald Trump speaking at his little xenophobic press conference yesterday, and he makes it very clear. If you hate America, get the hell out. And under that pretense, I hope every single republican in this country is packing up. Because when you drill down to it, when you really start to look at what each party actually stands for, it is clear that one party does hate America and that party happens to be the Republican Party of the United States. Believe it or not, this is actually a topic Republicans hate America that I have been sitting on and stewing on for the last 15 years. At one point, I even considered writing a book, actually calling it Republicans hate America, and then explaining all the reasons why never got around to it. So that's what I'm doing right now because here's the thing, when you think about what is America, what is it? Is it the piece of land? Is it the government itself or is it the people?
Those are basically the three things that make America. You got to have the land, you got to have the government, then you got to have the population. And in each one of those instances, as we have clearly seen from the Trump administration, we saw it from the Bush administration. Republicans hate it all. I mean, Republicans are the ones who literally run for government telling us that government sucks. Marco Rubio told us that, man, he hates it up there. It's awful. The government, the body that runs this country is crap. Donald Trump tells us all the time that Congress sucks. He tells us that our intelligence agencies suck. They tell us that everything is awful. They hate it. And is that not America? The population itself.
They're letting people die in this country. Headline, just this morning, another person died in this country because they were having to ration their insulin because they couldn't afford it. They couldn't pay to get that prescription refilled so they rationed it and it killed them. Now, you may not outright hate these people, but your policies certainly punish them for no reason whatsoever. We could have solved this issue of drug pricing decades ago, but we, you know, just decided not to. Republicans had been in control at least in a house and Senate for the majority of that time and just said, Nah, we're not going to do it. We, we've tried actually in the last two years also to pass legislation to fix this problem and Republicans have said, nope, not going to do it.
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