
Srbija posle Pancira nabavlja Buk i Tor? Serbia acquire Buk M3 & Tor M2 Air Defense Systems?

Srbija posle Pancira nabavlja Buk i Tor? Serbia acquire Buk M3 & Tor M2 Air Defense Systems? Srbija bi, posle nabavke najmodernijeg raketnog sistema "Pancir S1", svoju protivvazdušnu odbranu morala dodatno da ojača kupovinom novih sistema "Buk M3", a posebno "Tora M2"!
Dobro je poznato da Srbija i Rusija imaju izuzetnu vojno-tehničku saradnju poslednjih godina. Ona je rezultovala nabavkom šest "MiG-29", helikoptera "Mi-35M", oklopnih vozila BRDM-2MS i na kraju "Pancira-S1". Sada su došli na red i "Buk" i "Tor", koji će znatno unaprediti našu odbrambenu moć. Prvi signali iz Moskve govore da je predsednik Vladimir Putin i te kako zainteresovan za sklapanje posla i uopšte ne krije da je spreman da nam ove protivvazdušne sisteme najnovije generacije isporuči po najnižim mogućim cenama, znatno nižim od tržišne.
Još 2006. se u javnosti pojavila ideja da bi okosnica našeg budućeg PVO sistema trebalo da čini najmanje "Buk M2", jer mislim da je verzija M3 malo veći zalogaj za nas. Međutim, postoji opasnost da bismo se zbog nabavke ovih sistema našli pod udarom sankcija SAD. To treba da imamo u vidu kada razmatramo dalju nabavku oružja iz Rusije. Postoje i alternative iz Kine FK-3 i Belorusije Buk-MB. "Buk-M2" je jači od svih naših sistema koje imamo, a to su "Neve" i "Kub". On bi bio kompatibilan s "kubom", pa je to još jedna prednost. Time bismo na srednjim dometima bili mirni na duži vremenski period, a potvrđueno je da se "Tor-M2" pokazao izvrsnim u Siriji i da ima visok nivo obaranja malogabaritnih i bespilotnih letelica.

Serbia, after acquiring the state-of-the-art Pantsir-S1 missile system, will have to further strengthen its air defense with the purchase of new Buk M3 systems, and especially the Tor-M2!
It is well known that Serbia and Russia have had outstanding military-technical cooperation in recent years. It resulted in the acquisition of six MiG-29s, a Mi-35M attack helicopter, a BRDM-2MS armored vehicle, and eventually an Pantsir-S1. Now it is the turn of both "Buk" and "Tor", which will greatly enhance our defensive power. The first signals from Moscow say that President Vladimir Putin is interested in getting a job and does not hide at all that he is ready to deliver these latest-generation anti-aircraft systems to us at the lowest possible prices, well below the market price.
Back in 2006, the idea emerged that the backbone of our future air defense system should be at least a "Buk-M2", because I think the M3 version is a bit more of a bite for us. However, there is a danger that the acquisition of these systems would be subject to US sanctions. We should keep this in mind when considering the further procurement of weapons from Russia. There are also alternatives from China FK-3 and Belarus Buk-MB. The "Buk-M2" is stronger than all of our systems that we have, the Neve and Cub. It would be "cube" compatible, so that's another advantage. This would keep the medium range at rest for an extended period of time, and it has been confirmed that the "Tor-M2" has proven to be excellent in Syria and has a high level of downsizing of small and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Vladimir Putin,Buk-M3,Tor-M2,S-125M Neva,Kub-M,Neva PVO sistem,Pancir-S1,Pantsir-S1,Nabavka PVO sistema iz Rusije,RV i PVO Vojske Srbije,PVO Srbije,Vojska Srbije,Serbian Armed Forces,Serbian Army,Russian Air Defense System,

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