You can't think clearly anymore? It feels like there is a thick fog in your brain, there are so many trees so you can’t see the forest anymore? You are far away from clear thoughts, a clear view and sunshine?
Then I have something for you: there are three solutions to get a crystal-clear mind. 1. Start spinning around you, like a gyroscopic. Ups, that’s not your style?
2. Okay, this one is very simple: don't do anything! Wait and over time the clouds will move away on their own. Stay comfortable on your safe side in your comfort zone. Or…
3. Count your breath: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5 in & 3 - 2 - 1 out! Breathe in longer and exhale less, supply yourself with the oxygen you need.
Doesn't it work? Then come back to the first one, turn in a circle, around and around and around: so quickly that all old stress and heavy things simply fall away from you. Afterwards lie down on the ground, look at the sky and cheer in your new clarity.
Mini Medis are powerful in a sweet way, it is like a short holiday trip from your daily life. Be the hero of your day.
Made in Germany.
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Warm-heartedly, Salina
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