
The Single Most Effective Pull-Up Workout for Back and Biceps

The Single Most Effective Pull-Up Workout for Back and Biceps You can stop looking for more calisthenics workouts effective to grow your back and biceps muscles. I have the best pull-up routine right in this video that helps develop serious back and biceps muscles. And as of now, you are going to implement it into your weekly training plan.
So what I've got in this video is one simple pull-up routine I focused a lot more than any other.
You will have to do it at least once a week, if not more, depending on whether you also do other pull-up routines based on different approaches or not.
Begin the workout after warming up your body real good. Then start with Wide Pull-Ups. Add four sets with a broader rep range, between 6 and 10.
In case you can't do more than 4-5 reps, then consider rolling up a rubber band.
If that's out of the possibility too, then use low reps, higher sets, and add more tempo. That can increase the time under tension matching the one caused by higher rep ranges.
Pull as fast and powerful as possible on the concentric movement, lock on top, chin over the bar for 1-2 seconds, then slowly descend through the eccentric part. You can rest after your first repetition if the exercise is extremely demanding for you. Please do it for about 10 seconds and quickly attempt the second rep. Or don't pause at all and see if you can do 3-4 repetitions using a similar tempo.
Respect form! Once your muscles start to grow, it's essential to have them built correctly. It may affect your body posture in the future - all these aspects are crucial to retaining for your additional exercises too.
When you rest, don't extend the time longer than necessary. Your purpose is to pump and fatigue to muscles. You can't get that burnt in the muscles unless you increase the intensity of your training, and you do it by shortening the pause between sets.
A break time of 60-90 seconds is more than enough to trigger hypertrophy.
The only moment when you extend recovery is when muscles are too pumped, hurt too much, and it feels like you need one more minute to complete another set.
Moving to the second, third, and fourth set should be a struggle to maintain the rep range and the same execution throughout the whole reps. I very often apply a technique named broken-set! If my target is ten reps, but I can only do 6 or 7, then I rest briefly and complete the set.
Squizz the biceps hard and focus on mind-muscle connection all the time. Focus on repping out, form, and grow a passion out of hitting muscle failure.
Your only thoughts should be on performance, and not on how biceps grow. It is the moment to tear apart muscle fibers.
Rest 2-3 minutes because you just completed the first exercise and move to the second one, the Close-Grip Chinups! Many prefer assisting themselves only at the end of their routine in the last sets. I can't tell you exactly when it's the perfect moment.
Beginners can utilize regular chinups! They are more accessible and still create proper tension in the biceps.
Do four sets with a rep range between 7 and 10. Time recovery from a set to another stays the same, 60 to 90 seconds.
The third exercise on the list is regular pull-ups! I don't need to explain everything all over again, but the same fundamental principles apply here as well. Do another four sets of 6-10 reps. That being said, you accumulated 120 reps so far.
Your form and execution will suffer a lot at this point. Don't worry, it is normal. I struggle the same. If you watch an entire uncut workout of mine, then you can see my grind too as I accrue reps and sets. I linked a video to such a workout in the right corner.
At this point is totally fine to cheat a little bit on form, range, and execution. You should care about contractions, squeezing, and getting more workload done.
This is a classic, sets and reps bodybuilding workout. It's progressive because it continues to increase in difficulty through the nature of how you exercise, rather than how much tension the variations generate. Volume is what gives this feeling of an intense workout. And I still utilize this routine even after years of mastering bodyweight training.
Of course, I also do other methods, and yet, still based on the same classic, essential exercises.
The last exercise would be Body Rows or Australian Pull-Ups if your strength dropped drastically at this point. By body rows, I mean to horizontal pull-ups.
I like how it pumps the biceps and lats!
If you do body rows, then bring another four sets of 7-10 repetitions. Extend the reps to over 12 if you do Australian Pull-Ups. At this point, what matters is to burn the biceps entirely.
I often rest for 30 seconds between sets if I do Australian Pull-Ups and boost as much as 15-20 reps. Find the sweet spot between these two!

Calisthenics Program for Intermediates:

#pullupsworkout #backandbicepscalisthenicsworkout #calisthenics

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