
Partner with Priests - SSPX

Partner with Priests - SSPX - Travel behind the scenes with an SSPX priest to an Alaskan mission. Now, you can Partner with Priests to support the growing expansion of Tradition. With your monthly donation, you support, thank, and encourage the priests in their apostolic efforts to restore all things in Christ.


It’s 10:00 p.m. and we're in Juneau [Alaska] and we just got done with our Sunday Mass schedule in Anchorage… Sung Mass, potluck, catechism, everything… and now here we are getting ready for our flight to go to Sitka.

Every weekend a curious migration occurs. From all across the United States, unlikely characters leave their homes and residences to travel. They are Roman Catholic priests of the Society of Saint Pius X journeying to bring Christ in the sacraments to the faithful over the farthest reaches of the continent – places like Sitka, Alaska.

Now the [SSPX] missions, like Alaska, the Alaskan mission, it's very remote physically. Just look at the map you see right away it's – even when people talk they refer to the “lower 48” when comparison comparing to Alaska in relation to other states of the United States. And so that mentality, socially speaking even amongst people here, it's reflected for our work – for the church, for the Latin Mass – because it's again to get here it's a little extraordinary.

At the very beginning of creation, that is the only command that God in fact. To go and procreate and some subdue the earth. If you think about it, it's the one that's really attacked the most in the world. To attack the family, to attack children… but God has given us the means to try and of course do our part in the family life and in the sacramental life… our Lord Jesus Christ becoming incarnate…

[Latin] …quam in corde, sume fidem cælestium præceptorum: et talis esto moribus…

…ac iustissimam pietatem tuam deprecor, Domine, sancte Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, auctor luminis et veritatis, super hunc famulum tuum…

…ego te baptizo in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti…

It's very clear that it's God's Will that the priest be there with the faithful from beginning to end. From baptism until death. He has willed to include the priesthood in the continuation of his act of sanctification, the act of redemption, from baptism through all the sacraments – penance absolution, Communion, last rites, all these things. God wills to give his grace in a conditional way. We must do our part and then God gives the blessing.

[Latin] …Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.

Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.

To bring our Lord to the Faithful, to bring them the Mass, bring them the Sacraments; sacrifice, have to do our part.

Pray for my intentions please… I will and thank you Father for the Holy Mass, I appreciate it. No worries okay, God bless.

Soul of Christ sanctify me…

Just living up here in a faraway place, these priests are travelling long distances, sometimes from the East Coast all the way to Alaska, which is, you know, a good 12 hours by plane – and they get here, they pretty much, their feet touch the ground, they're saying Mass, they’re hearing Confessions – this is a chapel that has waited an entire month for a priest, and suddenly, you know, everyone needs to go to Confession, they need Sacraments there are Baptisms, sick calls to make …and their time is very limited and they sacrifice every moment of that time.

What we discovered when came to this parish was the Traditional Mass – the Mass of when I was seven, when I received my First Communion at the Communion rail. Over the years, going to the Novus Ordo Mass, we became quite disillusioned and we eventually quit going in about 2000-2001 time frame, and didn't go back to Mass until 2013, when we discovered the Society.

My profound thanks to the priests and to the to the laity, you know, that are involved with the Society. I could have gone to my grave with this, you know, wretched gruel that they have been feeding all of us in the Novus Ordo… and instead it was like walking down a dark hallway and you see a little door open and you see some light coming out, and there's a room full of treasures in there.

My name is Katherine Gluth. I live in Sitka, Alaska – small island, remote in Alaska. There are quite a few priests that have gone on missions to Alaska. Father Wegner, Father McDonald, Father Stanich, Father Portugal. They are obviously going to be in and out of the airports traveling, which, that alone is a huge burden, getting through TSA, dealing with late flights or no flights or cancellations – so the priests getting here, you know, they do have to go through a lot; they have to put a lot of work in and a lot of time in to make it to us… and that, for us, you know, makes us appreciate every bit of it even more.

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