
Global National: Feb. 21, 2020 | Canadian PM Trudeau demands railway blockades dismantle

Global National: Feb. 21, 2020 | Canadian PM Trudeau demands railway blockades dismantle In this episode of Global National, Eric Sorensen reports on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s demand that rail blockades across the country must come down. Demonstrators protesting in solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en have set up blockades across the country as the Indigenous group opposes the Coastal GasLink pipeline from running through their territory in B.C. And Mike Le Couteur wraps the response from Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

Plus, Mike Armstrong reports from Cornwall, Ont., where former Diamond Princess passengers are now under additional quarantine after returning from Japan due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19. Also, Dawna Friesen talks about the latest outbreaks of concern in Iran, South Korea and Italy.

Dawna Friesen reports on the province-wide school strike in Ontario, shutting down schools.

Plus, Heather Yourex-West analyzes a recent promise made by mining firm Teck Resources, to become carbon neutral by 2050. Is it possible for energy companies to reduce their emissions to net zero?

There's also more on Abigail Bimman's series on mental health, addiction and Canada's justice system.

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