
Evacuee from Wuhan confirmed to have coronavirus, bringing S. Korea's total confirmed to 24

Evacuee from Wuhan confirmed to have coronavirus, bringing S. Korea's total confirmed to 24 임시생활 우한교민 중 확진자 1명 추가, 확진자 24명

Let's start with the latest on the coronavirus outbreak.
South Korea has confimed one more case.
For the latest, we have our Kim Bo-kyoung on the line for us.
Bo-kyoung tell us more about the latest case.
Yes Mark, South Korea confirmed one more coronavirus case on Friday,... bringing the total to 24.
According to government sources on Friday,... one of the Korean evacuees who returned to South Korea from Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, tested positive on Thursday afternoon.
The patient was moved to the National Medical Center.
This is the 2nd case among the evacuees who flew in from Wuhan.
The evacuees have been under a 14-day isolation since arriving back from Wuhan last Friday.
They are staying in public facilities in Asan city and Jincheon county,... both locations are about a two-hour drive from Seoul.
This comes after the Central Accident Prevention Division confirmed four cases on Thursday.
Three cases were Korean nationals,... who are either family members or have had close contact with other confirmed patients. They all had been in voluntary quarantine before being diagnosed with the disease.
The other case was a Chinese woman who arrived in South Korea on January 23rd as a tourist.
As the new cases were confirmed,... the local TV home-shopping channel, GS SHOP, where one of those new patients has been working, decided to go off-air until Saturday morning.
This is the first complete temporary shutdown of a company in South Korea due to the coronavirus.
Starting from today,... there are some things that change right?
That's right, Mark. Even if you haven't visited China but are concerned you might have the novel coronavirus because you have a high fever,... you can get tested from today.
Officials announced the move due to a rise in the number of confirmed patients who have been to countries other than China.
To be eligible to take the test,... you have to have a high fever, one of the symptoms of the coronavirus.
Meanwhile,... a locally-developed new test kit that only takes six hours to determine whether a patient is infected will also be available at 50 medical institutions across South Korea.
That's all from me for now, back to you, Mark.

#Evacuee #Wuhan #coronavirus

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