
[1HR|Super Love]{Qigong Healing} Enhance Attractiveness, Charm, LOVE, Relationship, Marriage.

[1HR|Super Love]{Qigong Healing} Enhance Attractiveness, Charm, LOVE, Relationship, Marriage. Would be great "Subscribe", leave a "LIKE" if you enjoyed, plus super appreciate leave some comments. And, please share this video with your friends, like joy expanding! thank you!!

*Please use silence mode for using because some ads will be played.
This is "Qi-Gong Healing Programed Video" which provides huge Qi energy come through to your body, mind, room, home and around your energy field.

This video is 1HR version of "Super Love", Description and Original version is here
[Super Love]:

This 1HR version made for free customize your "YouTube Playlist", you can customize as much as you like, and so much appreciate if you share your playlist for other people!!

Free! Customize! Fun!

[Donation Box]
If you feel some effect, I'm super appreciate your kindness.

[How to Use?]
Just simply play this video while you are in sleep, just in case, please use silence mode for using because some ads will be played. You do not necessary to watch, just play around you that's works, best way to use while you are in sleep, because you'll see full of energy after your wake up.

[Q and A]

[Original Version]
For more power effect!

Please do not play while your drive because you may sleep. This healing is only works on this YouTube Channel and online, see more detail at

[About me "Sattee"]
My name is Sattee (Satoru Fujimoto) who is 2 kinds of Qi-Gong Masters, living in San Francisco, and sharing my healing ability to the world!!
more detail:

[More Energy?]
- 1HR/Season4
[1HR/Super Slim Diet]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Win Lottery]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Luck With Money2.3: Business Activity]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Luck With Money2.2: Direct Money]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Luck With Money2.1: Money Environment]: coming soon!!

- 1HR/Season3
[1HR/Super Healing Best3: Includes 6 following videos]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Deep Meditation: Support Your Meditation]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Positive Mind: Support Your Decision]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Running Energy: Increase Your Luck]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Clear Mind: Makes Your IQ Higher]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Purifying2-2: Clean Your Body Energy]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Increase Your Ability]: coming soon!!

- 1HR/Season2
[1HR/Super Season2 Best: Includes 6 following videos]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Purifying2-1: Clean Your House Energy]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Beauty Skin]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Love]:
[1HR/Super Powerful Detox]:
[1HR/Super Earth Your Electric Harm]:
[1HR/Super Energetic2]:

- 1HR/Season1
[1HR/Super Season1 Best: Includes 6 following videos]: coming soon!!
[1HR/Super Wish Your Dream]:
[1HR/Super Harmony Your Relationship]:
[1HR/Super Luck With Money]:
[1HR/Super Healing Your Inner Child]:
[1HR/Super Purifying]:
[1HR/Super Energetic]:

I wish you all the happiness in the world!!

=Please add me on your=
snapchat - satteefujimoto

=More about Sattee's Program=
Sattee's Japanese Radio show "Twinkle Sattee" on Sakura Radio (US Public Radio).

Sattee's Japanese Radio "World of Great Healers"

Explain about this world by Sattee (Japanese)

How to use this Video "Q and A" (Japanese)


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