
The Latest Section8️⃣ Project House🏚️💰🏠💰🏚️Part1️⃣ (Stone Mountain, Georgia)

The Latest Section8️⃣ Project House🏚️💰🏠💰🏚️Part1️⃣ (Stone Mountain, Georgia) This House had been on the List for a Redue for a Minute. It took a Few extra weeks before we could get in here and check it out. There are various ways renters have to stay in these properties longer than they were supposed too. Some times it comes to filing for eviction and waiting on the Sherrifs. Fortunately this time they bailed right before that had to be done!!! When a Renter is nolonger accepted on the Section8️⃣ Program, they have absolutely no reason to be in a hurry about it, and even after they finally left. they left the Family dog behind for a week after that. To be fair, it looked like food and water was put out every couple of days. This Video starts the Following day after the dog was finally picked up by the family.
Part1️⃣ begins as with what I found Day1️⃣!!!
I added the what I found on that day to music just too switch it up a bit. The Second part of this video is after the house has been gutted of everything from the Former tenants(except their Roaches!!! as you will see, there's a ton of Roaches!!!)
Nothing out of the ordinary on this one. Everything we've come to expect from a Section8️⃣clean out and up:
Plenty of the former tenant left behind✅
Holes in all the walls✅
Trash inside and Outside of the Property✅
Broken windows and or Doors✅
Dirty and Damaged walls throughout✅
trashed Carpet and Floors✅
Unkept yard✅
Roof covered in years of leaves & Gutters full✅
Electrical sockets and Switches not working✅
Appliances so full of Roaches they fail to work✅
All the Usual needing to be done projects. It's basically a Quick Flip. Clean what you can, fix what you have too.
Nothing Too It, But Too Do It!!! It all Starts with day one.

This one may look really bad, but it's mainly cosmetic. There are a lot of little repairs as well. But in the Grand scheme of things, not anywhere near as Bad as I've Seen!!! The Roofs Good(clean now too), Both the HVAC systems are working and fairly new. No plumbing issues, no Structure issues, or any large expense repairs needed. Some New Carpet, locks, a sheet of drywall, some paint, a bunch of cleaning supplies, and a ton of time and this one is ready for new renters!!!
I know you see a Bunch of roaches in this walk through. But it's been bombed, and heavily Spot treated, so the numbers drop every day. Sometime after we're done and before the inspection a professional bug man( or woman) will be through here top to bottom. That way the home owner is covered for at least a year!!!

Remember if your the homeowner of a rental property, this could be how you get it back one day. So these are general ideas of what you'll be dealing with. if it's a Section8️⃣ Property you may get a check from the government to cover alot of the repairs. If it's a Private Rental, you'll just have the deposit to work with. This is why it's best to keep a small portion of each Rent check in a separate account for this day. I've seen some rehabs get way up there in costs. $15,000 to $20,000 or higher is not unheard of. I've seen Everything from people loosing their ass in repair costs, to people getting a second mortgage to cover put off repairs and the rehab. So a Chunk of Cash set away ready for this day is the way to go!!! Several years ago I saw a guy loose his ass and have to sell his family house that his parents left him because the first renters did so much damage to the property. Had he sold that house the day his mother passed and gave it to him he'd of came out way better. in the end he didn't even get half on the sale.

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