
I FINALLY HAVE A REAL BATHROOM & CLOSET! My Apartment Tour 2020! (NO MORE BKLYN :( but its worth it)

I FINALLY HAVE A REAL BATHROOM & CLOSET! My Apartment Tour 2020! (NO MORE BKLYN :( but its worth it) I am so excited to share my apartment tour with you guys! This is my first luxury apartment since I finished residency. We all know living in NYC is very expensive and you pay A WHOLE LOT to live in very dated, small apartments. I stayed in my apartment post-residency to give me some time to accumulate funds and find something special.....well five years later i still was not ready to leave that apartment....but life happened and it somehow forced me to make the next step. Although i LOVED living in Brooklyn, it was time for me to have a REAL bathroom and closet! This apartment is sufficient because it's just me and my dog.... I think in a year or two I will go "house" but for now this will do!

I tried to make mention where I got most things/items but if you have any questions please let me know in the comments below.

My Vision Board for 2020:


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