
50 Book Recommendations

50 Book Recommendations *ALL BOOKS LINKED BELOW*

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----------------------------THE BOOKS----------------------------

All the following links are Amazon affiliate links, meaning that by using them a small cut of the sale goes towards supporting the channel!

P. Singer - Animal Liberation:
P. Singer - Ethics in the Real World:
P. Singer - Practical Ethics:
P. Singer - The Expanding Circle:
P. Singer - The Life You Can Save

G.L. Francione, A.Charlton - Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach:
J. Safran Foer - Eating Animals: Should We Stop?
M. Joy - Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows:
P. Singer (editor) - In Defense of Animals:

D. Benatar - Better Never to Have Been:
A.C. Grayling - The History of Philosophy:
B. Russell - History of Western Philosophy:
G. Orwell - Essays:

A. Hirsi Ali - Infidel:
M. X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X:
J. Jaques - Trans: A Memoir:
W. Styron - Darkness Visible:
C. Hitchens - Hitch-22:
C. Hitchens - Letters to a Young Contrarian:

C. Hitchens - Mortality:
P. Kalanithi - When Breath Becomes Air:
A. Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus:
A. Schopenhauer - Studies in Pessimism:
D. Hume - On Suicide:
M. Haig - Reasons to Stay Alive:

V. Nabakov - Lolita:
M. Amis - The Rachel Papers:
F. Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov:
F. Dostoyevsky - Notes From the Underground:
J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye:

D. Pals - Nine Theories of Religion:
G. Galilei - Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems:
G. Galilei - Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina:
C. Darwin - On the Origin of Species:
C. Darwin - Correspondence:
S.J. Gould - Rocks of Ages:
I. Newton - Principia Mathematica (particularly the scholium):

Y.N. Harari - Sapiens:
Y.N. Harari - Homo Deus:
B. Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything:

M. Sandel - Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
T. Holland - Dominion:
C. Browning - Ordinary Men:

L. Strobel - The Case for Christ:
Augustine - Confessions:
Anselm - Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became Man):
Athanasius - On The Incarnation:
Catherine of Siena - Dialogue:
Julian of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love:
W. Paley - Natural Theology:


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Alex O'Connor
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