
Veggie Soup: ✪✡☛ Lose Up To 10+Lbs. Guaranteed - In 7 Days - ☚✡✪~~~!!!

Veggie Soup: ✪✡☛ Lose Up To 10+Lbs. Guaranteed - In 7 Days - ☚✡✪~~~!!! The winter is upon you and you want to lose a few pounds. Now what do we do? Get a note pad & pen. Write down your weight at the start of day 1. Try this soup for 7 days to start. After the 7th day record your new weight. Then go back to eating good food for a week. Alternate using the soup recipe for 5-7 days, then eating good food for 2-4 days. Each time you start with the soup record your weight. Each time you go off the soup record your new weight. In 2 months you will be amazed at the weight loss.

This recipe & plan is safe. You are eating healthy good food. You will lose the excess weight, you will feel and look better.

I started on my (Spicy) soup diet on 09/25/2019. My weight that morning was 194.7. Just over 3 years ago my weight had shot up to 212 lbs after a injury. Over the next 3 years I was able to get into the 190's & stayed stuck in the 190's. I found this diet back in Sept. Then I tweaked it to my "Taste" spicy wise. After 2+ months my weight was down to 176.4 on Dec. 8th. I go on this soup diet for 5-7 days. Then back to eating normal foods for a week to 10 days. I may gain a pound or two during that time, but as soon as I go back on the soup diet I lose those lbs & more.

I have not been on the diet since Dec. 8th & I have gained less than (1.5 lbs) in the nearly 2 weeks of eating normal food. After Christmas day I will go back on the soup diet until Dec. 31st. I will lose what ever I have gained, plus 3-5 lbs. By May 1st I plan on weighting below 160 Lbs and staying there. I do not even consider this a diet. As I am NEVER really hungry & I love the taste that I have come up with.

Below are the Ingredients for this soup that I found. If you do not like (Spicy), then make it (((Non-spicy!))) I like spicy. For me I substituted mild to hot Cuban peppers for the bell peppers. I added red pepper flakes (Lots). I added white & black pepper with the Cayenne pepper. I love carrots. So instead of 2 cups I do almost the entire bag. I increase the chili powder to 3 to 4 Tsp. This to me makes the soup taste like a really great chili.

When I make this soup I make a large pot of it. That normally gives me 2 large containers & 1 medium container. I freeze the 2 large containers and then thaw out a container when I need it. Use (((NO salt))) during the days that you eat the soup and I give up all - alcohol. I like a glass or two of red wine or bourbon in the evening. I give this up while I am eating the soup. Reduce drinking or stop drinking soft drinks during this time. I used to live on coffee & diet cokes! Now I open a small bottle of diet coke and take a hit from it when I feel the need for a caffeine kick. A small plastic bottle of diet coke can now last me 3-4 days while I am eating the soup. I grew up on ice cold tea. Only it was with a non-sugar sweeter and that is the same way I drink my ice tea today. You need to get off the sugar drinks including ice tea.

Change the spices to your liking. Do not change the veggies. You may add other veggies. You can add most beans, but no butter or meats for seasoning. The beans & other veggies will take on the spice flavors and be great. When I get below 160 by May 1st, I will make a video showing the scales & my weight. I am at just over 175 as I upload this.

3 Cups - Fresh tomatoes (1 Large can) / 3 Cups - **Pasta sauce (1 Large can) / 1⁄3 Cup - Tomato paste (1 small jar or can) / 5 - Green onions or the whole bunch if they will go bad before using the rest. / 2 Tbsp.- **Low-sodium veggie or beef stock (Which ever you prefer) / 1 Bunch - Celery & (some) tops / 2 Cups - Fresh green beans / 2 - Red or green bell peppers / 2 Cups - Carrots (I use the whole bag, I like carrots) / 1 Tsp. - Chili powder / 1 Tsp. - Ground cumin / 2 Tsp. - Sweet paprika / 1/2 to 1 Tsp. - Cayenne pepper / 2 Tsp. - Prepared mustard.
**Purchased at Dollar Tree

Large pot. Add 2 TBS Olive Oil, add carrots, stir couple minutes, add 2 bell peppers, stir a couple minutes, add 5 long style onions, stir a couple minutes, 1 bunch celery, plus leaves, 1/3 cup tomato paste, stir really well, 3 cups, tomatoes, 2 cups green beans, still really well. Add 4 cups pasta sauce. Add water to cover veggies. Still and increase heat. Add 2 TBS mustard - Spicy, 1 TSP chili, 1 TSP Cumin, 2 TSP paprika, 1 TSP Cayenne pepper, 1/2 TSP Black Pepper, (NO SALT), 2 TBS Dry Veggie Stock, low sodium. Cover pot. Wait for boil. Stir little. Cover. Cook 30-40 minutes. You can add any other spices that you like. (((No Salt Please.)))


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