
The ABC’s typically cowardly and evasive report into the violence endured by Indigenous women.

The ABC’s typically cowardly and evasive report into the violence endured by Indigenous women. The incredibly slippery ABC must have wracked its brains to come up with an angle to finally acknowledge the epidemic of violence suffered by Indigenous women that avoided the ticklish subject of endemic dysfunction within Indigenous communities - the cowards. So how did they approach this? By reporting on what are more than likely outlier cases of women going missing in unusual circumstance while avoiding the fact that the vast majority of Aboriginal women disappear from their home within their own community. The ABC managed to deflect with predictable accusations of “oppression” and “the continued racism that is dividing this country” 4:50 without even once acknowledging the far more common reality - and in an incredibly cynical move they even invoked the misleading and inflammatory word “genocide” to imply something not even remotely true. 1:00

Identifying those who go missing by race will do little to address the underlying problem of why these individuals go missing in the first place. That, of course, is the real issue here.
I feel desperately sorry for the loved ones of those missing who featured in this report. I sincerely hope that they get some sort of closure. However, they don’t deserve to be exploited as mere pawns in the ABC’s petty and tacky culture war against the wider Australian community - made all the worse by its cowardly avoidance of the uncomfortable truth involving dysfunctional Indigenous culture.

Airdate: 08/12/19


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