
Making BIG cash tips with Uber and Lyft - $200 In Cash Tips with 2 customers | Easy to follow method

Making BIG cash tips with Uber and Lyft - $200 In Cash Tips with 2 customers | Easy to follow method Making BIG cash tips with Uber and Lyft | This is how I made $200 In Cash Tips with 2 customers, in 2 days | This is the easy to follow method I use every day to make more tips with uber and Lyft. Learn how to make more on uber and make more on Lyft every day, making the most money during the time you drive. With this method, I have made an average of 30% more!

With this easy to follow method you can make more as well and make big cash tips that will make a difference to your bottom line.

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Youtube Transcription:

Hey guys, welcome to my max drive. I'm "O," and today we're gonna be talking about something that might be important to
some of you, but really should be important to all of you "WHO me"? and that's making bigger tips... Oh, the money I'm gonna give you insight on how I made $200 in two days, with just two customers!
Welcome to My Max Drive! So before we get started, I'm just gonna ask you guys for a small favor and make sure you smash
that like button! This way the YouTube algorithm gives me
a little love and helps us share our message with more drivers in the
rideshare community and if you haven't already done so make sure you subscribe so we've all been there we've driven all day or we've done our part-time gig, and we end our day, and we look at our totals to see how much money we've actually made now this is the common story for most of us now depending on your market you could be doing really well and make it rain make it red, and on the other hand, you could be doing
not so well I've spoken to a lot of drivers that work full-time as well as part-time and at the end of the day when they're counting their tips they're kind of short, but on average I would say most of us make a few dollars and you know that could change a little bit and obviously
they are tipped within the app, and if you're lucky you're receiving cash tips well about two weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be giving rides in my market which is in Phoenix well let me start off by saying I typically get pretty decent tips, but I will tell you about two weeks ago I had an exceptional street in a two-day period I had two customers that actually gave me $100 tips! Better yet they were in cash you can't imagine what a day changer that was for me talk about putting me into the holiday spirit so now the big question for most people including myself is what did i do differently that
had these customers feel compelled or
generous enough to give me these tips
and here's what I realized in thinking
about those two particular. Let me
start off by saying I typically converse
with my customers on almost every ride
and I will tell you a lot of my
customers rate me very high because of
the conversation and over time in
speaking to those customers what many of
them have told me is that drivers are
sometimes rude drivers are in their own
both Bluetooth headsets on and they
don't even know if the driver hears them
when they speak 3 the driver is on the
phone which is just like stop already
Jesus or for the driver just engages in
dead-end conversations almost like it's
force like the typical hey how are you
sometimes they don't even get that so I
look back and again I examined what was
different in this ride what I will tell
you is that both of these rides lasted
somewhere around 30 minutes and in 30
minutes you can sort of get to know
somebody pretty well so here are the
factors that came into play one of the
rides the gentleman had just finished
playing golf and he and he played a
pretty good game to the point where he
was bragging with his friends and was in
generally good spirit now me personally
I don't play golf I do have a little bit
of a competitive nature and who doesn't
love talking some good smack while
giving this ride I wanted to learn more
about golf so after the traditional or
typical hey how are you how's your day
and he gave me a little guide as to what
was happening that day if it's something
I don't know about or I'm not well
versed in well guess what this is the
opportunity for me to learn more from
that customer about it so I'll turn
around and say well can you explain to
me what that means or can you tell me
how is that different than the way they
played giving him the opportunity to a
brag a little bit, but number two educate
me it's a win-win, but better yet I have
found over time that the number one
conversation most people love having is
talking about themselves and when you
give somebody the perfect opportunity to
do so where they don't sound completely
obnoxious but yet they can ease
themselves into the conversation and
brag a little bit so to speak it's a
complete win now like I told you this

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