
Institut Français de la Mode - MSc in International Fashion & Luxury Management

Institut Français de la Mode - MSc in International Fashion & Luxury Management

00:37 The Pitch
01:58 What are the nationalities of the students? Are most French or European?
02:51 The program is taught in English, but do you need to speak French for internships and other opportunities?
04:35 You mentionned several partners. What are they doing for the program?
07:18 What differentiates IFM from a fashion and luxury program at a business school?
10:08 Do graduates have an easy time finding jobs? What are some of the companies where graduates end up working?
13:15 What were some of your favorite courses?
15:12 The Clichés
17:53 Do you feel that the coursework prepared you for starting your internship?
19:39 Can you talk more about the double degree with European Business School? How it works and who gets selected?
21:34 Guest change
21:44 What are you looking for in students who want to be admitted to the IFM?
23:29 What made you choose IFM and what other programs were you considering, if any?
25:33 What are some of the benefits of studying in Paris? Can students gain access to fashion week events and runway shows?
28:57 Final Destination
32:14 Why doing study tours? Where will it be?
34:24 Is there help available for finding housing in Paris?
35:43 You talked about the interest of Fundamentals Year. If I have the level to integrate directly the Core year, can I still apply to do the 27 months program in order to get all the tools and knowledge I can have from the program?
37:45 I see that there is a History and Culture class. What is the interest of this class compared to Savoir-faire and Design or Products, from Concept to Market which are also classes?
40:01 Extra Time


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