Also, we have Part 2 of our mini documentary “A family’s Journey Towards Kidney Transplantation.”
Last but not least, we spread some holiday cheer with a kidney-friendly recipe and then we sing along with Sidney the Kidney to his kidney remixes of well-known holiday tunes!
Thanks for checking out this episode of PLUGGED IN! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @KidneyBC #PLUGGEDIN #kidneyfoundation #kidneyfoundationofcanada #kidneybcy #britishcolumbia #bc #yukon #kidneydisease #kidneytransplant #chronicillness #ckd #pkd #organdonation #organtransplant #beadonor #giftoflife #register2give #donatelife #kidneyresearch #renaldisease #renalfailure
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