
Child of Light (Music Video) - The Tabernacle Choir

Child of Light (Music Video) - The Tabernacle Choir Purchase the 2018 Christmas Concert with Kristin Chenoweth.

The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square perform Mack Wilberg's song "Child of Light," with lyrics by David Warner.

A breath, a cry,
A spark of new and ageless light
Is born to us
From reaches felt, beyond our sight.

His glance, His gaze,
His knowing look so sure and bright-
Somehow we sense
Within His soul is heaven's might!

And in her arms
He smiles to hear His mother's song-
As though He knows
His time with her will not be long.

And then, He sees
That shepherds cannot hide the thrill
To find Him here
Laid in a manger soft and still

(As angels told them on the hill),
A pure and perfect paschal lamb,
Safe, swaddled seed of Abraham,
Our Savior, Lord, the great I AM:

The child of Light!
Foretold born here in Bethlehem,
To bloom and grow,
The fruit and flow'r of Jesse's stem-

Made known to kings by one bright star,
Who journey here from lands afar,
And bending down behold His face,
Perceive His love, receive His grace,
And then confess from soul's deep well
The truth that tongue can never tell:

He is the child of light-
Who comes to us, our souls to own,
And make us His, that we may know
As we are known-

This child of light
Who revoking nothing, gives.
His love, His life
That all of us may ever live.

So, tell the world
And fear be gone.
This child will lead us home anon-
That we with Him will e'er go on,

And on, and on, and on, and on,
and on, and on, and on, and on,
and on.

#Christmas #AngelsAmongUs #Christmas #tabchoir #ChristmasConcert

Christmas Concert 2018.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir,Mormon Tab Choir,Mormon,LDS,motab,mo-tab,Orchestra at Temple Square,Music and the Spoken Word,Tabernacle Choir,Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square,TabChoir,Child of Light,Music Video,Kristin Chenoweth,Mack Wilberg,David Warner,Christmas,Jesus Christ,Christ child,Mary,Luke II,Luke 2,

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