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I discuss what effect Buy Nothing Day Canada has on Black Friday, Cyber Monday and holiday shopping. I also give tips on how not to go deep into debt from holiday spending.
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I want to give special thanks to The Audiopedia for releasing What is BUY NOTHING DAY? What does BUY NOTHING DAY mean? BUY NOTHING DAY meaning & explanation.
Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos!
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Everything and Nothing: What is Nothing? (Jim Al-Khalili) | Science Documentary | Science
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Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You
My No Spend Year | Michelle McGagh | TEDxManchester
How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer
WeWork - The $47 Billion Disaster
My Year of Buying Nothing
How Cait Flanders was able to buy nothing for one whole year | Your Morning
How to Start a Speech
The Spectacular Rise and Fall of WeWork
Nothing new | Kristin Skarie | TEDxSemesterAtSea
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5 Things You Should Never Say In a Job Interview
1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology
How to Learn Anything... Fast - Josh Kaufman
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban
The Year I Buy Nothing: Intro To My No Buy Year in 2019
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Adbusters: ABTV
Reel Truth Science Documentaries
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JRE Clips
TEDx Talks
Broadview Mag
Your Morning
Conor Neill
TEDx Talks
Don Georgevich
Hailey Evans
Business Casual
Dan Froelke's Channel
Take a look at The Audiopedia stats and you'll understand why I am a fan.
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Video Title: What is BUY NOTHING DAY? What does BUY NOTHING DAY mean? BUY NOTHING DAY meaning & explanation
Username: The Audiopedia
Subscribers: 475K
Views: 8,473 views
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