
34 Republicans Side With Dems, Vote For Farm Bill Benefiting Illegals

34 Republicans Side With Dems, Vote For Farm Bill Benefiting Illegals There is only one thing more dear to Democrats than impeachment and that is amnesty for illegal immigrants.

A dirty little secret? Many Republicans are on the same side and in the latest example of how bipartisanship only occurs over really bad things, 34 GOP House members sided with Dems on a farm workers bill.

The bill which was passed last week is called the Farm Workforce Modernization Act and has been championed by Democrats in the resistance bastion of California led by Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

The legislation once again puts American workers at a disadvantage to the cheap foreign labor that big corporate donors from both parties support in order to drive down wages.

Via The Salinas Californian, "Farmworker residency bill with path to legal status passes House, moves to Senate":

"This is a chance to solve a problem for America," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who spearheaded the bill.

The last time congress addressed agricultural labor was in 1986.

"This bill...does stabilize the workforce," said Lofgren. "We have farmworkers who have been here a very long time without their papers, living in fear and in some cases, being arrested and deported. We need to allow them to get an agricultural worker visa that is temporary and renewable so they can do the work we need them to do and their employers need them to do."

If approved by the Senate and signed into law by President Donald Trump, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act would also change regulations surrounding H-2A temporary farmworkers, shifting how salaries are determined and adding new, temporary visas with a longer working period.

Grower advocates say this would relieve them of an unfair monetary burden while providing them with year-round labor.

If Congresswoman Lofgren's name seems familiar, it is because she has been making the rounds on MSNBC whining about how the upcoming Senate trial of President Trump has been rigged.

Breitbart News summed up this latest anti-American worker hoodwinking as follows:

Thirty-four Republicans voted December 11 to give amnesty at least one million illegal immigrants and to subsidize farm companies with a wave of cheap visa-workers who will lower wages throughout the farm workforce, which includes at least one million American workers.

The Republicans are mostly from rural districts where the local media is skewed in favor of local farm employers and often ignores the economic interest of local American farmworkers.

Some of the pro-amnesty GOP legislators will avoid the pushback from GOP activists and voters by retiring before November.

According to the official roll call, these are the "Republicans" who joined with Dems to stab American farm workers in the back - and Devin Nunes who has done such noble work was among them:

Rep. Mark Amodei, Nevada, Rep. James Baird, Indiana, Rep. Michael Bost, Illinois, Rep. Susan Brooks, Indiana, Rep. Paul Cook, California, Rep. Thomas Cole, Oklahoma,Rep. Rodney Davis, Illinois,Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania, Rep. Russ Fulcher, Idaho, Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington,Rep. Will Hurd, Texas, Rep. David Joyce, Ohio, Rep. John Katko, New York, Rep. Peter King, New York, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Illinois, Rep. Douglas LaMalfa, California, Rep David McKinley, West Virginia, Rep. Paul Mitchell, Michigan, Rep. Dan Newhouse, Washington,Rep Devin Nunes, California, Rep. Thomas Reed, New York, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington, Rep. John Shimkus, Illinois, Rep. Michael Simpson, Idaho,Rep. Lloyd Smucker, Pennsylvania,Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York, Rep. Steve Stivers, Ohio,Rep. Glen Thompson, Pennsylvania,Rep. Scott Tipton, Colorado, Rep. Fred Upton, Michigan, Rep. Greg Walden, Ohio, Rep. Don Young, Alaska.

Nunes along with others represent districts that are in agricultural districts so at least they have a reason, some would call the others rats - especially the outgoing members who are auditioning as future lobbyists.

Voters in affected industries should keep this list handy until next November.

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