
Turning myself into an eBoy *i made a tiktok* | Leila Katerina

Turning myself into an eBoy *i made a tiktok* | Leila Katerina LOLLL so here's my transformation of turning in an eboy!

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I hope you all enjoyed ♡

#eboytransformation #turningmyselfintoaneboy #leilakaterina

I make videos about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, fitness. I am 20 yrs old and doing anything creative is my passion. currently studying fashion, I hope to continue having a platform to create fashion and to also incorporate beauty/makeup/and even health!

Turning myself into an eBoy *i made a tiktok*

Leila Katerina


*what camera do you use? canon g7x ii
*what editor do you use? Final Cut Pro X

love lei


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