
The Holy War is Finally OVER? (Seven Deadly Sins | Nanatsu no Taizai Demon King vs Meliodas, 7 Sins)

The Holy War is Finally OVER? (Seven Deadly Sins | Nanatsu no Taizai Demon King vs Meliodas, 7 Sins) Consider supporting us on Patreon:

The Holy War is Finally OVER? (Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai Demon King vs Meliodas, 7 Sins)

In this video I discuss what appears to be the end of the Holy War and the final defeat of a major villain. But if you think that the whole story might be over, not so fast… stick around until the end of the video where I will talk about what I think will happen next, and why I don’t think that the story is over just yet.

All 7 Sacred Treasures and Their Powers Explained! (Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai) -

All 10 Commandments RANKED from Weakest to Strongest! (Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai) -

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Colored Demon King By YondaimeMinato4

Colored Meliodas By UmGarotoAew


Outro Music:
Dex Arson & MDK - Resolution
Subscribe to Dex Arson :
Subscribe to MDK :
Background Music:
Title: Welcome to Chaos
Artist : Ross Bugden

#SevenDeadlySins #Meliodas #AnimeUproar

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