Join our fantastic sales team today!
You do not have to compete with other salespeople for the leads. We provide you all the leads. We have an appointment center that schedules your appointments and a marketing department that takes care of generating the leads for you.
So mainly as the salesperson, all you have to do is make sure you show up on time and with a big smile, and help provide our clients with that WOW service in our work every single day.
Our company has such a great reputation, so we’re halfway sold before we get to the front door. People don’t just buy to buy, they really do a lot of research and we’re A+ rated everywhere.
We offer continuous training. We do anything from product training to role-playing a lot, and it allows you as a salesperson to grow a lot faster than if you were trying to figure it out on your own.
In three months, you can learn pretty much everything because of the intensive training and amazing managers. We will send you on the road so you could see how our jobs are done. You can call a foreman, call one of your managers, or call one of your sales associates and ask them for help.
It’s not only in our office people are helping each other-it’s across the United States and Canada! There’s this whole network of foundation and waterproofing contractors. And everyone wants everyone to do well.
Join our team today!
| 1-514-800-6406
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