
How Much Time Should You LISTEN Every day? Listening Tip

How Much Time Should You LISTEN Every day? Listening Tip Hey student! How much time should you LISTEN every day? In this English lesson video, I am going to be giving you a very nice listening tip.
Many English learners believe that listening is the key to English fluency. In this English lesson, I am going to be talking about how much time you should dedicate to improving your listening and what things you should considering when practicing your listening skills in English.
Improving your listening skills and comprehension is very important and you definitely need to practice your listening and listen to a variety of subjects. However, if you don’t have a clear goal and strategy, no matter how much you listen, you are not going to improve your English skills if you don’t have a clear strategy of how to do it and what you should work on.
I believe the key to a better listening skill is quality not quantity, which means you don’t need to listen all day. It is about what you do in the process.

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