
Chris Watts,'Really Bad Dark Things Went On at Mistress Apt.'

Chris Watts,'Really Bad Dark Things Went On at Mistress Apt.' "Letters from Christopher" by Cheryln Cadle - I will discuss how the mistress manipulated Chris Watts. Chris Watts states very bad and dark thinks went on at Nikki's house. He reveals how he had to talk mistress down from the ledge many times. Anytime Chris felt guilty for thinking about his family, Nikki got upset as she was the injured party. Chris Watts states that if you want to know the mistress then read, ("Proverbs 7:15-27.) Did the mistress play a role in the murders? Let's discuss it!

Chris Watts,Murders,Dark things at Mistress house,Bad,Shameful,Nikki,Letters from Christopher,Cheryln Cadle,Proverbs,Harlot,Mistress,Evil,Dark,Bella,Celeste,ShanAnn,Baby Son,Baby Boy,

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