
SINKING FUNDS | Our Categories and Tracking Strategy Explained

SINKING FUNDS | Our Categories and Tracking Strategy Explained Sinking funds explained. In this video I share a detailed explanation of what a sinking fund is, what sinking funds we have, how we structure our ten bank accounts to include sinking funds into specific categories, and how we track them all. Plus I discuss sinking funds while getting out of debt. Should you have them at all, while you focus on debt payoff.

What sinking fund categories does your family use?

#DebtFreeDana #SinkingFunds

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Hey there! I'm Dana. I'm a wife and Mother to 4 kids, including twin boys and two girls. I work full time outside the home in finance as a Corporate Accountant, but enjoy sharing my personal and parenting journey online. We live in the Philadelphia area.

Follow Me on Instagram @DebtFreeDana

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‘Marty Gots a Plan’ by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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