
Koh Tao takes life of another novice scuba diver, Rocio Gomez. Colombes Ran tribute Pura Vida Diving

Koh Tao takes life of another novice scuba diver, Rocio Gomez. Colombes Ran tribute Pura Vida Diving Rocio Gomez (39) from Argentina suffered a fatal scuba accident on Koh Tao (Thailand Tailandia) during her very first lesson with Pura Vida Diving. Ironically, "Pura Vida" means "Pure Life", but 4 years earlier Pura Vida was involved in another scuba fatality when one of their boat captains took his boat over a group of divers from Scuba Junction. Novice diver, Silje Mathisen (22) from Norway was sucked into the propeller in full view of her childhood friend, Sigrid Simensen. Silje's leg was slashed and she suffered fatal head injuries.

Silje's death received some limited, though not particularly accurate, media coverage in Thailand. In contrast, Rocio's death received almost no media coverage within Thailand (Tailandia) although the media within her home country of Argentina did cover the story.

There is a culture on Koh Tao (aka Death Island) of covering-up murders and avoidable fatalities, which is why it is important that videos such as this are produced and published on YouTube. It appears that Thailand has no coroners either.

There is also a culture on Koh Tao of attacking the credibility and motivation of anyone who points out how low the safety standards are on the island. Both Heaven and Hell can be found on Koh Tao but the tourism industry only wants people to learn of the bright side.

It appears that Rocio's instructor lost sight of her during a dive. She was spotted by another person from the boat and dragged on board but had suffered irreversible brain damage and never recovered.

Links to resources in Spanish and English below.



Video about the scuba & snorkelling deaths of Silje Mathisen, Shelly Bot & Rocio Gomez:

Singer: ColombeS Ran from Madagascar
Song: "Caruso" - a Spanish version (Original in Italian)
Credit: Lucio Dalla

Pura Vida,scuba,scuba lesson,Koh Tao,Thailand,Rocio Gomez,Rocio Leticia Gomez,Franco Cetti,death island,death,Argentina,cover-up,accident,Tailandia,Rocio Gomez Tailandia,Tailandia Pura Vida,

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