
If You Only Watch ONE Video Of Mine This Month...

If You Only Watch ONE Video Of Mine This Month... I'm serious... if you only watch ONE Video Of Mine This Month... make it this one... I did this "Fundraiser Video" as a joke and an experiment, by trying to place a bunch of mid roll commercials throughout the video (I hope some of them get placed) but I actually really dug what I was reading by the end! So play along and stick through it! If you do, you'll be supporting this channel, without giving a penny! So please play this video as often as you can, every time counts! And heck, maybe even click on some of the ads mentioned! Or if NO spots played, let me know in the comments anyway... Like I said, it was an experiment!

The article mentioned: 10 Things From Terminator 2: Judgment Day That Haven't Aged Well. Oh and lets find its author Angelo and get them on to defend this list on-air! I would LOVE to have that dialogue haha

Thanks everybody!
- Andy Signore
@PopcornedPlanet is the new unbiased home of Andy Signore, the wrongfully canceled creator of ScreenJunkies, Honest Trailers, MovieFights, Man At Arms and more. You can learn about Andy’s journey here:

Andy posts Videos Daily & Goes LIVE Every Wednesday 9PM EST with the interactive series FanDumb

He’s currently working on an interview series titled Hugging The Cactus, as well as a documentary, all detailing the dangers of Cancel Culture which you can learn more here:

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