
Build a Safe Digit Lock VS a Safe Combination Number Lock

Build a Safe Digit Lock VS a Safe Combination Number Lock Build a Safe Digit Lock VS a Safe Combination Number Lock - Which one do you prefer!! Please share your idea and comment down below video. Thank you for watching!! Please subscribe to get more interesting videos:

Build a Safe Digit Lock
You need:
- Cardboard
- Switch
- Magnets
- Rubber band
- Ice-cream stick
- BBQ bamboo stick and chopstick

Cardboard Measurement:
(cm = centimeter)
15cm x 1,5cm = 1 piece
15cm x 2,5cm = 2 pieces
15cm x 15cm = 3 pieces
25cm x 15cm = 2 pieces
25cm x 16cm = 2 pieces

Build a Safe Combination Number Lock
You need:
- Cardboard
- Rubber bands
- Ice-cream sticks
- BBQ bamboo sticks and chopstick

Cardboard Measurement:
(cm = centimeter)
3cm x 12cm = 2 pieces
3cm x 20cm = 2 pieces
10cm x 10cm = 1 piece
12,5cm x 20cm = 1 piece
15cm x 25cm = 2 pieces
16cm x 16cm = 2 pieces
17cm x 25cm = 2 pieces

Build a Safe Digi Lock VS a Safe Combination Number Lock,how to build a safe lock box,how to make a safe,build a safe,diy a safe,saving money box,a safe lock vs a safe lock,How to,How to make,creative idea,creative video,Home made,Hand made,diy,mini gear,money,safe lock cardboard,

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