It’s so tricky organizing under the bathroom sink and I tried a few different organizers that didn’t work before finally finding the perfect system. I’ll share what didn’t work for me so that you don’t make the same mistakes. I’ll then show you the system that’s working perfectly in our small bathroom.
-o- L I K E , C O M M E N T A N D S U B S C R I B E -o-
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-o- P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D I N T H I S V I D E O -o-
✅ Shelf
✅ Mesh Basket Organizer
✅ Clear Containers
✅ Large Double Basket Organizer
✅ XS Plastic Drawer Organizers
✅ Small Plastic Drawer Organizers
-o- C U S T O M V I N Y L L A B E L S -o-
-o- W H A T T O W A T C H N E X T -o-
How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe:
Tiny and Tidy Trailer:
-o- F R E E B I E S -o-
✅ FREE Capsule Wardrobe Guide:
✅ FREE Playroom Organization Guide:
✅ FREE Home Organization Guide:
-o- C O M E V I S I T M E -o-
-o- C L E A R T H E C L U T T E R -o-
This is a step-by-step program that will help you learn how to declutter and organize effectively.
I will teach you how to implement systems that will ensure that you maintain a clean, clutter-free and organized home.
-o- F O R B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S -o-
-o- A B O U T -o-
I teach busy moms how to declutter their homes and get organized by sharing my practical tips so that they can get their time back. I’m Vaishali, the founder of Tiny and Tidy. I’ve lived in small spaces since my university days (a very long time ago) and I currently live in an 850 square foot condo with my family of FIVE! Over the years I’ve mastered small space organization and truly developed a passion for organizing anything and everything! I’ve also been an elementary school TEACHER since 2006, so I know I can TEACH you how to do it. Let's work together and turn your messy, disorganized space into an organized and functional home, one TINY and TIDY step at a time!
-o- M Y V I D E O / A U D I O E Q U I P M E N T -o-
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-o- H O W I C R E A T E D M Y W E B S I T E -o-
-o- H O W I G E T C A $ H F O R M Y P U R C H A S E S -o-
-o- N O T E -o-
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-o- K E Y W O R D S -o-
bathroom cabinet organizers, bathroom storage cabinet, bathroom organizers walmart, organize bathroom cabinet under the sink, bathroom counter organization ideas, small bathroom organization, bathroom organization ideas for small bathroom, small space organization, how to organize your home, how to organize your home room by room, how to be more organized at home, tiny and tidy, Vaishali Sahni, storage ideas for small spaces on a budget, unique storage ideas for small spaces, condo storage ideas, ikea space saving, small space organization hacks, condo organization ideas, condo storage ideas, living small, small family homes, family of 4 in 2 bedroom apartment, living in a 1 bedroom apartment, life in a studio apartment, 600 square feet apartment, 700 square foot, living in a small house with a family
#minimalism #organization #bathroomorganization
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