
What Scares Guys Off On Tinder?

What Scares Guys Off On Tinder? -- What Scares Guys Off On Tinder?

What scares guys off on tinder
Why guys swipe left

Why do the guys you like never seem to like you? You’re on Tinder but every time you swipe left, nothing. Why do guys swipe left? How can

Hi there. I’m Amy North. Relationship coach from the west coast of Canada. I’m here with tips to make your Tinder profile burn bright, instead of fizzle.

Photos without friends
This may surprise some of you because people say that you should avoid photos with friends. I disagree completely. The idea is that you shouldn’t make the guy try to figure out which one you are in your photos so don’t do ENTIRELY photos with your friends. But make sure that one towards the end includes some friends.

Bad selfies
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, the front facing camera can be unflattering. Make sure you have at least a few photos outside doing something besides posing for the camera. Guys want to see the different sides of your personality, not your dirty mirror.

Old pictures
Make sure your photos are recent. If you have a few from this new years and one from the Shrek premiere, you’re doing a bad job. Keep photos from the last year. If your hairstyle, weight, style fluctuates crazy between photos then you’re going to turn off a lot of guys because they have no sense of what you really look like.

The dreaded algorithm
There’s a chance that you aren’t getting any matches simply because of the algorithm. No one knows exactly how the tinder algorithm works but we do know a few things. Tinder matches users using a complex set of criteria. One of these is your internal Tinder ranking.

Bad pictures
A bad apple can ruin the bunch. It’s good to put your best picture first but make sure your photos aren’t crazy different in terms of how attractive you look. If you look like a smokeshow in your first pic then make sure you aren’t wearing dirty sweats in your last one. This contrast can make for an immediate swipe left.

“I’m looking for someone to go on adventures with” “Long walks on the beach” “I love to watch netflix and to hang out with my friends”. Your bio should be full of things that set you apart. Look at your bio. Could it describe almost anyone? What makes you unique and interesting? Start with that.

“Don’t just say hey”
Sure, “hey” isn’t a great opening line but putting this in your bio says more about you than you might like. It suggests that it’s this guy’s job to impress you and make you respond with some witty line. While that may actually be true, you don’t want to start things off by being so blatant about it.

“You need to be 6’, have your own car, own your own home”
A list of boxes to check isn’t sexy. That’s why no one ever hooks up at the doctor’s office. You can figure these things out after a brief conversation with a guy. Don’t let good guys get away because they’re turned off by your checklist.
You’re looking for the guy you want, not listing the ones you don’t

If your profile includes things like “I don’t know why guys match with me and then never say anything” or “Looking for guys who aren’t total jerks” or anything like that then you’re going to look bitter. Even if you’re just trying to be up front and you don’t mean it to sound that way. Remember this is the only glance he’s getting of your personality aside from the photos.

I don’t want to tell you to hide your true feelings but online dating profiles are no place to be super negative. Unless you’re only looking for a guy who’s into depression and pain, I’d keep things light and positive. Think of it this way: even if that’s your personality, if you met a cute guy at the bar you probably wouldn’t start by talking about how much the world sucks. Just a thought.
Your job

No hookups
I get it. You’re trying to weed out the creeps and only match with guys who are looking for something serious. But guess what, the guy who is just looking to hookup, he’s already swiped right. He isn’t reading your bio. Meanwhile the guy you might actually like is reading your bio and seeing negativity. This probably won’t turn off a lot of guys but I’d avoid it as it’s not going to make guys who are just looking for a hookup stay away.

There you have it. Here are some things that will make guys swipe left. I think it’s better to err on the side of a shorter bio and fewer photos that are more carefully chosen. Remember, leave some mystery and he’ll be dying to know more.

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