
Tiger Flow - 60 minute Whole Body (Fairly Dynamic) Flow Yoga Class (Vernyoga)

Tiger Flow - 60 minute Whole Body (Fairly Dynamic) Flow Yoga Class  (Vernyoga) Here is a 60minute version of the whole body 'Tiger' class recorded in the fabulous Mid-July sunshine! I was roasting!

This is minus the corework and tiger series and the tree to star sequence - so perfect for those days when you need a little less heat building and need a shorter practice.

We start with floor work, Sun Warrior Flow, Balance, Seated postures and back to laying postures. It starts off nice and slow and builds into a fairly dynamic practice.

WARNING! - If you are new to yoga, especially flow yoga and have any health concerns, please ask your doctor or specialist (Chiro / osteo) about any movements that you should/shouldn't do. You can also post comments here to ask questions if unsure, but YOU are responsible for what YOU do as I am not there to watch your alignment in this practice. So, listen to your body.

Remember, you may not be able to do it all at first and that's okay - we all start somewhere and build it up with practice. Enjoy!

For more information on Vernette and Vernyoga classes, videos, articles and retreats, please visit

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