
Parrot Anafi - a thrilling flight plan - rth causes problems

Parrot Anafi - a thrilling flight plan - rth causes problems I planed a 6.5 miles long flight plan in one direction (almost a straight line). After 4.1 miles the Anafi started return to home (RTH). I canceled rth.

After that I couldn't move the Anafi in my direction. Backwards, left, right works slowly.

I tried the Touch and Fly function and it works. The Anafi was moving slowly towards me.

It wasn't windy and Touch and Fly works flying in my direction. So should the Skycontroller.

During the landing I could move the Anafi with the Skycontroller again.

If it happens again, I will lower the heights (if possible) or try the Follow me function - It sets the Skycontroller to the new home position (afaik).

Parrot! Please let the pilot decide to turn RTH on or off.

If you want to support this request, please contact Parrot: Support...

Subject: Option to turn off RTH in Freeflight 6

Reasons: flightplans, flights in forests, mountains, Indoor flights (this is important for the new Parrot thermal for rescuing people in bildings)

And there is already a similar function in FreeFlight Pro (IOS) - Safety - Return Home during a Flight Plan (no/yes).

Thank you!

Music: LukHash (
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Parrot anafi,parrot bebop,parrot disco,parrot fligh plan,flight plan problem,rth,return to home,ff6,freeflight 6,freefligh pro,follow me,track me,

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