
Meat mimics -- are they really healthier for you?

Meat mimics -- are they really healthier for you? CINCINNATI (WKRC) - A new report takes a closer look at something that looks and tastes like meat but really isn't, and some say it may or may not be good for you.

Meatless meals are certainly trendy right now. Many of us are trying to choose "almost" burgers and "not" dogs to try and reduce the risk for common health concerns linked to red meat, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

But when it comes to meat mimics, are they really better for you than real beef burgers?

Nutrition specialists at the Cleveland Clinic reviewed a new report that takes a look at everything from burgers made from pea protein to those that even bleed like real meat when you toss them on the grill. For the most part, when they evaluated these products, they found they can be lower in fat and calories than some beef burgers. They also may have more fiber if they are made with added grains.

But according to this report, we don't actually have a lot of long-term data to figure that out. While some are good for the environment, they point out that it may depend on how you serve them or choose to eat them.

For example, if you put cheese, mayonnaise, avocado and onion straws on a meatless burger, you may get as many calories, or more, than a plain, lean beef burger. You also can get as much fat with lots of toppers, although it may be a better kind of fat compared to the saturated fat in some beef.

The bottom line is that while plant proteins are recommended to reduce red meat intake, don't be fooled into thinking that just because it mimics meat, it's the secret to eating a healthier diet. As with anything, how it's prepared and what it's served with will make a big difference in your overall diet.

Since many are served in restaurants with fries, getting a side salad or topping it with other vegetables instead may be the real secret to making this food a healthier option.


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