
Flat Out Hero brings real evidence?

Flat Out Hero brings real evidence? Flat Out Hero wants a debate. Then he's not sure he can make it at 9PM Central, then he says he can do it at 11PM Central. I can stay up late, I have Coffee!

He has said he will explain how the AE maps works and then we can test to see if it matches observations.

Me? I'll use science to test if the flat earth can work. Guesses on the results?

Flat Out Hero has a history of not making debates. If this happens, I'll review some of his claims and videos.

Now you can be an Earth Shape Field Agent. It's easy if someone asks "what is the shape of the earth?" You say "Spherical". Congratulations, you are now an Earth Shape Field Agent. Now grab some gear to prove it.

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Friendly place no matter your opinion on the shape of the earth.

RandomTings made the awesome intro:

Music by JK.

flat out hero,$100000 challenge,flight charts,spherical earth,scientific evidence,scientific process,scimandan,conspiracy catz,over the horizon,

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