
Crucial Conversations Summary: How to Make it Safe to Talk about Anything-Book Summary

Crucial Conversations Summary: How to Make it Safe to Talk about Anything-Book Summary Crucial Conversations Summary- How to make it safe to talk about anything. In this book review I share how Crucial Conversations teaches essential conversation and relationship skills to make it safe to talk about the most difficult topics.
To Buy Crucial Conversations:
I share the top 5 things I learned, including how to reach your goals through dialogue, how to see the other person and how to interpret silence or violence, how to frontload a conversation to help the other person let down their defenses, and how to let go of your own "stories".
From a therapy perspective I was really quite impressed with Crucial Conversations, I expected it to be another book with a behavior based approach to communication skills that leaves others feeling manipulated and annoyed, but instead I found crucial conversations to be an excellent approach to changing yourself in order to have better conversations about difficult topics.

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