
5 Most Common Mistakes Keto Beginners Make

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5 Most Common Mistakes Keto Beginners Make.

The ketogenic diet will help you lose weight faster than a traditional diet as studies show. Many people who already do keto talk about how it increases your energy and helps you think clearly.

Trying this feeding style will bring you great benefits, of course, only if you know what you are doing. The following are some of the most common mistakes in beginners when starting a ketogenic diet, we will tell you how to avoid them.

1. Not anticipating an adjustment period.

The first days of a ketogenic diet may feel very similar to having the flu. If you do not prepare yourself, you may feel headache, fatigue, cramps, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.


Your body enters a state of ketosis when your carbohydrate intake is less than 50 grams a day, when it passes your cells changes from burning glycogen as energy to burning ketones, a strong alternative energy that the liver generates from fat.

"You are asking your body to do something it is not used to doing," explains Dr. Robert Santos-Prowse, author of The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet.

2. Little water.

You should always stay hydrated, especially when you start a ketogenic diet since you are losing a lot of fluids and minerals. Drink at least two liters of water a day and if you still feel thirsty a little more.

Make a conscious effort to recover the electrolytes you lose in the urine, eating foods rich in potassium and magnesium (avocado, tomato, spinach, salmon, and nuts), you can also add some extra salt to the food, remember that by not eating processed food you eat less salt than you think.

3. Eat meat all the time.

Many people believe that the ketogenic diet is only to eat meat and bacon, this is incorrect. In fact, a keto diet focuses more on consuming healthy fats (up to 80% of daily caloric intake).

In other words, it does not mean that your plate should be up to the top of meat or chicken, use moderate portions.

4. Forgetting the fiber.

If after a few days of starting keto, you feel inflamed or constipated, you are not alone, many people make the mistake of forgetting to include fiber in their diet. We focus so much on fats, it's easy to forget about other important things like fiber.

As we are avoiding whole grains, beans, and fruits, we need to find another way to add fiber to our diet. We can use foods such as avocado, broccoli, artichokes or Brussels sprouts. You can also use some fiber like psyllium in a glass of water before going to sleep.

5. Topping up carbohydrates too soon.

Nothing will happen to you by eating a cookie or pizza once in a while once your body has adjusted to this new style of eating.

Recent studies speak of a period of 30 to 60 days before your body fully adapts to using fat instead of glucose for energy. If you eat carbohydrates before this adaptation it is likely that you are entering and leaving ketosis and feeling the symptoms of keto flu every time you are consuming carbohydrates.

“It is important that you give your body a month or two of adaptation before giving it carbohydrates again. If you stay on a ketogenic diet for long enough, your body will adapt and can easily switch between the use of fat and carbohydrates without much effort. This is known as flexible metabolism, ”says Dr. Santos-Prowse.

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5 Most Common Mistakes Keto Beginners Make,Most Common Mistakes Keto Beginners Make,Common Mistakes Keto Beginners Make,Mistakes Keto Beginners Make,

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